
Grow your own onesie

Item: Benjamin's growing onesie and Little Coffe Bean Cardigan from Ravelry
Yarn: Lanett from Sandes Uldvare in turquoise and white
Grams: Onesie 75 g, Cardigan 113 g

The growing onesie from Fragaria Bergin is a great pattern, it really grows with the baby. Soon outgrown by this little fellow, but it has certainly lasted a long time. Supercool buttons from Snella og Petronella!

A matching Little Coffee Bean Cardigan in stripes, this one will not be outgrown for a while, I think. A little twist on the edges, no ribbing here, just garter stitches for a couple of rows. White buttons in different sizes, a favourite of mine.


Spring delight

Item: Rullegenser from Nøstebarn
Yarn: 2-ply merino wool from Nøstebarn
Grams: 88 g

I'm invited to a spring birthday party, celebrating a 1 year old baby girl. There's nothing better than Nøstebarn's thin merino wool for those in-between-seasons garments. I like it even in the summer, especially the chilled Norwegian summer. This sweater is knitted on 2.5 mm needles, making a light, airy garment, sized for a 2-year-old. I always knit a big bitter than the intended recipient where children are concerned. Most of them grow, fast too.

Have to wrap up a present, but no paper? Use a scrap of yarn as a ribbon!