Wild wild vest

how many socks must a boy walk down...
Yarn: Sandnes Tove
Grams 93 g, approx 20 g a pair of socks/mittens
... before you can call him a man? A toddler going to kindergarten in Norway need a lot of woollies, socks, mittens, hats, sweaters, pants, you name it. With two skeins of Sandnes Tove, how many socks and mittens can you make? As it turns out, 4 pairs of socks, and 1 pair of mittens, sized for a 1- and 2-year-old.
Merete at MonsterMønster has a great tip for knitting socks for small children, always knit the same size in the same colour! That way, when the green pair of socks is too small, you will know that you can pack up all the green socks. Easy peasy!
Petunia has a nice pattern for knitted socks, showing the process in great detail. She also provides a handy table (although perhaps a teeny tiny bit difficult to interpret at times) for the number of stitches, rounds, increases and decreases for all the different sizes.
The mittens are my own creation.
Autumnal vest
Item: Toddler T-shirt baby vest by Sam LambYarn: 1 strand Sandnes Duo in white, and 1 strand Du Store Alpakka Tynn Alpakka in soft green.
Grams: 110 g
A great vest pattern for toddlers, easy to knit, easy to enlarge if you have to. The Sandnes Duo is a great yarn, a mix of merino and cotton, making it very soft and light, warm and airy at the same time. The alpaca adds extra warmth, suitable for the Norwegian fall. Knits up in a hurry, a nice project for last-minute gifts.
International yarn bombing day
Today, June 9th, is the international yarn bombing day! What is your contribution?
As a baby's bottom...
Item: One strand booties and lettstrikka babylue from Nøstebarn
Yarn: Drops silkealpakka
Grams: 44 g
The one strand baby booties are simply brilliant. Easy to knit, excellent for small scraps, easy to make larger or smaller by using different yarns and needles. The trickiest part is to sew together the bottom of the bootie with kitchener stitch, but you'll get the hang of it in the end. I always use the Purl Bee Kitchener Stitch tutorial, it's great!
The hat is also a good pattern, nice and easy. Next time I'll probably knit the last half of it in the round, I prefer to minimize the required sewing in the end.
The yarn is a silk alpaca blend, 70% alpaca and 30% mulberry silk, soft and silky as a baby's bottom.
My prize is here!
My Etimo Rose crochet set from Pickles arrived today. I won it when I was awarded second place in the inspiration contest at Pickles last week with my Oslo-in-my-heart anorak!
Now I can't wait to crochet the gorgeous dress seen on the cover of the booklet Blødt til babyen, shown in the picture!
How to knit calories
I once read that knitting requires more calories than just sitting, a big hurrah for those of us who can't sit in front of a tv without some knitting in our laps :)
Now, here's another idea for how to knit calories, inspired by my pilates class; do it on a gym ball!
Great for making skeins as well :)
CPH shopping spree
In Copenhagen for the weekend, lovely city! Going hopping with my baby stroller is a bit difficult, as many of the oh-so-desirable shops are a few steps out of reach :( But still, had an altogether lovely shopping experience
I spent some surfing time ahead of the trip, looking for the best knitting shops, and decided to pay Sommerfuglen a visit. With no regrets, it's a wonderful shop! I bought several knitting books, and couldn't resist some balls of yarn either, so now my yarn stash has grown some more...
I also discovered a cute porcelain shop, Liebe, with lots of cute porcelain earrings, doorknobs, cups and platters, highly recommend it! They also have a shop online.
I've used a single thread of white Fritidsgarn as the main colour, and a triple thread of coloured Fritidsgarn for the tiny hearts. The hearts are knitted, not embroidered on afterwards. This makes a very thick and warm anorak, and the hearts that pop out are just adorable. The coloured edging along the rim of the hood is actually not crocheted or knitted, but embroidered with chain stitches. The pompom is made with a Clover pompom maker, a clever little thing.
Good luck to all you other finalists!
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